Course Syllabus

5th Period
1)            what is your supports made of?

2)            What is your ramp and elements made of?

3)            How will you get your coaster to last 15 seconds if it does not already?


Please work on your coaster:


7th Grade

Bell Ringer: Get two students to write bell ringer questions:

  • What happens if the class is very loud and will not communicate with an indoor voice?
  • What happens if a student is acting keeps talking in line?
  • How will you act in Mr. Powell’s class?
  • What is the goal of this class?
  • Who do we set the example for?


Work session – build the coaster




Agenda 9/01/17

 7th Grade

Bell Ringer:

  • What were some of the pros?
  • What were some of the cons?
  • What type of technology did you pick? Please list all you have:



ENGR-II-1- Students will learn the concept of invention and innovation.

  1. Examine the role that Engineering & Technology and society play in the invention and innovation process


Students will pick three inventions and make posters trying to sell the invention. 2 day activity.

You will need to describe it and state what it does.  You will need to state 3 positive attributes about the invention and try to draw images.

Each poster is 33 pts a piece

Drawings:  11pts

Describe it: 11 pts

3 positive attributes: 11pts



Work Session: Finish 4 invention examination:

4Attributes Worksheet from CTAERN- students will take innovations and find positive/negative attributes to a technology:

Write a 1 paragraph statement on the type of technology.  In the next paragraph you are going to write the pros versus the cons.


For example:            Gas/ Fossil Fuels –    Negatives


                                                                                Traffic congestion

                                                                                High price of gas for the commuter


                                                                                Aids economy



                                Stem Cell Research

                                Hologram technology

                                Green Energy (specify which one)





7th Grade

Bell Ringer:

  • What is an invention?
  • What is an innovation?
  • What is an artifact?
  • What are attributes?
  • What is a prototype?



ENGR-II-1- Students will learn the concept of invention and innovation.

  1. a) Define related invention and innovation terms
  2. b) Compare invention to innovation
  3. c) Examine the role that Engineering & Technology and society play in the invention and innovation process


  1. Using sheets of paper, please draw out 6 inventors and their inventions. On the Societal Impacts please list how it affected society.

Utilizing PowerPoint, give students 1 minute to list 3 of the most famous inventors they can think of, and then briefly review their answers.  Do not discuss what they invented.


Examples of inventors might be: Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, Leonardo Da Vinci, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Johannes Gutenberg, Lewis Latimer, Sir Isaac Newton, Levi Strauss, Eli Whitney, and Wilbur & Orville Wright.


  1. Utilizing PowerPoint, give students 1 minute to list what these famous inventors invented, and then review their answers.


Examples of inventors might be: Alexander Graham Bell -telephone, George Washington Carver –peanut butter, Leonardo da Vinci - weapons, Walt Disney –multiplane camera, Mickey Mouse, Thomas Edison –phonograph, light bulb, Albert Einstein –atomic bomb, Henry Ford –assembly line, Benjamin Franklin –bifocals, lighting rod, odometer, Johannes Gutenberg –printing press, Lewis Latimer –disinfectant , Sir Isaac Newton –reflecting telescope, Levi Strauss –blue jeans, Eli Whitney –cotton gin, and Wilbur & Orville Wright –powered flight.


  1. Utilizing PowerPoint, give students 1 minute to list how one of their inventions listed impacted society, and then review their answers.


Examples of impacts might be: improved transportation, winning wars, faster production, faster communications, entertainment, better food and clothing.








Agenda 8/18/17

Technology Classes:



Safety test review first period


ENGR-EET-1: Students will examine the nature of engineering & technology. a) Define engineering & technology b) Compare the relationship of math and science to engineering & technology c) Investigate the pathways for engineering and technology



Bell Ringer:

  1. What is the Technology classifications?
  2. What is Bio Related technology?
  3. What is labor also called?
  4. What is another name for information?
  5. What are the five general classifications of technology?

Learning Target: Introduction to Engineering – Engineers history and culture


Work Session:



  1. What are material resources?
  2. What is energy?
  3. What are types of engineering?
  4. What is capitol?

5.What are the essential elements of technology?

  1. By law you are required to wear ________ when working in our production area.
    1. Safety Glasses
    2. Steel toed shoes
    3. tight fitting clothes
    4. None of the above


  1. When you must use a machine that you haven’t been trained on you should
    1. go ahead but be careful.
    2. not use the machine and ask for help.
    3. read up on the machine and go ahead with your job.
    4. get a partner and go ahead with your work.



  • Safety Color Red means
    1. caution
    2. warning
    3. stop, danger, fire
    4. start or safety info


  • Studies have proved that the majority of accidents are caused by
    1. A lack of orderliness
    2. Incorrect procedures
    3. Improper use of tools/equipment
    4. Positions and actions of people



  • The flashpoint of a fuel is
    1. The temperature that something starts to burn
    2. The hottest temperature when something burns
    3. The temperature that causes a flash of bright light
    4. An imaginary term






Do the questions and for 3rd period answer the questions:


Large Group Activity:

Finish Power point.

Small Group activity: Answer questions – slide 23

  • What did the Egyptian Engineers create?
  • How was the Nile used?
  • What did the Mesopotamian Engineers create?
  • Who created the paved roads?
  • Who was the first to use cement?
  • What did the Greek Engineers Create?
  • R Who created indirect heating?
  • What are aqueducts?
  • Who were the Oriental Engineers?
  • What did the European engineers do?
  • When was the height of innovation?
  • What was a hydraulic?
  • ABET is the __________________.
  • What is networking?
  • What is the difference between discipline and role?
  • What are 10 engineering disciplines?





Broadcast Video


  • What was the hardest part of making a commercial?
  • How long did your original commercial last?
  • What is your product?
  • What does the A stand for in AV script?
  • What does the V stand for in AV script?





MSACCT-COM6-1: Students will identify early mass communication inventions.

  1. Define mass communications.
  2. Describe and identify communication inventions to include precursors to today’s technology.



MSACCT- COM6-10: Students will demonstrate, in preproduction, the proper planning process.


Large Group activity:

Students will shoot a 30 second commercial after rehearsing. 


Students will record on paper issues that they had and also the strengths that were able to accomplish.

Please do the worksheet on History of Television and read the power point.







Agenda 8/16/17


Technology Classes:



ENGR-EET-1: Students will examine the nature of engineering & technology. a) Define engineering & technology b) Compare the relationship of math and science to engineering & technology c) Investigate the pathways for engineering and technology


Bell Ringer:


  1. What is systematic?
  2. What is engineering?
  3. How do Engineers work with math?
  4. How do Engineers use science?
  5. What is design?
  6. What is the essence of Engineering?



Learning Target: Introduction to Engineering – Engineers history

Work Session:

Large Group Activity:

Read the power point on Introduction to Engineering:

  • What is the difference between technology and engineering?
  • What is the scope of technology?
  • What do Engineers build?
  • What is the essence of engineering?
  • What is iteration?
  • What are the characteristics of engineering?
  • How does Science relate to engineering?
  • How does Math relate to engineering?
  • ONE technology has shaped our society to what it is today. Can you guess what it is?
  • Why do you think this tool did this?
  • What are the eras of technology?
  • Why was the water wheel important?
  • What is adaptation?
  • What are resources?
  • What is technology according to the power point?














Broadcast Video and Graphics

Bell Ringer:

  • Why should you always have good posture in communications?
  • What are the types of written communications?
  • What is the difference between formal communication and informal communication?
  • How does a posture convey/show communications?
  • How does voice convey positive or negative emotions?




MSACCT-COM6-1: Students will identify early mass communication inventions.

  1. Define mass communications.
  2. Describe and identify communication inventions to include precursors to today’s technology.




Learning Target:  Types of communications



Large Group Activity:


Small Group activity:


Watch the power point on the following:

Slide #9


  • Why is appearance a form of communication?
  • What is the importance of non-verbal communications?
  • What is the drawback of non-verbal communications?
  • What is written communications?
  • What are the forms of written communications?
  • Why is touch as a communication important?
  • Why is the voice as a communications important?
  • How much verbal communications is being used?
  • How much nonverbal communication is being used?
  • What is written communications?
  • What is difference between formal writing and informal writing?
  • What are the advantages of writing?
  • What are the disadvantages of writing?



  • What are good writing features?
  • What does vitality mean?
  • What does Credibility mean?
  • What does clarity mean?
  • What is the significance of communications in everyday life?
  • What is the transfer of ideas?


Large Group activity:

Create a commercial – a diagnostics marker to see where you start out at

Break into groups

Your job is to put together a commercial for your project.

The only guideline is that it must be 30 seconds long.




Course Summary:

Date Details Due