Course Syllabus

Welcome to Honors Spanish.  

Here you will be able to see general information regarding the weekly happenings in class; what your students are currently working on and upcoming dates of importance.

My office hours are 12:00 PM to 4:00 at Aaron Cohn. The easiest and most efficient way to contact me with any questions or concerns will be through email.  My email address is:


Coming up:

Dear Parents,

Our school requires parental notification for your student to view movies that are used along with our curriculum, or that are selected by our teachers, which are rated PG.

We believe showing your son or daughter full-length movies such as Disney’s MacFarland, USA enables them to benefit from another medium as a resource in their study of Hispanic culture through their Spanish course.
This particular movies covers many aspects of Hispanic culture, a quinceañera being one of many that we have discussed throughout the school year. The film follows the Mexican-American students of a rural Southern California town through their daily lives as they form a cross-country team and run for the championship.

For more information on the movie you can check reference the following link online.


MLI.CCC2 The students demonstrate an understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between the culture(s) studied and the students’ own culture.

MLI.CCC4 The students demonstrate an awareness of current events in the target culture(s). T

MLI.CCC5 The students identify situations and resources in which target language skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting, for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. The students: A. Identify examples of the target language and the culture(s) studied that are evident in and through media, entertainment, and technology

Movie: Disney’s MacFarland, USA

Rating: PG

Viewing: May 20-21


Course Summary:

Date Details Due