Course Syllabus

Physical Science Syllabus

Lesson Plans for Physical Science

Week 34

Continue reviewing all standards


Week 32

April 8-12

All standards



  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. review

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. do now
  2. review

Hmwk: study notes



  1. do now
  2. review

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. review

Hmwk:  have a great weekend


Week 31

April 1-5

All standards



  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. do now
  2. review project

Hmwk: study notes



  1. do now
  2. review project

Hmwk: study


  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  have a great weekend




Week 30

March 18-22

All standards



  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Achieve 3000

Hmwk: study notes



  1. do now
  2. review project

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. review project

Hmwk:  have a great spring break




Week 29

March 11-16

SPS5- obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.



  1. Do now
  2. continue notes from Friday

Hmwk:  study notes test Weds



  1. Do now
  2. Review sheet

Hmwk:  study notes test Weds



  1. Do Now
  2. Unit Test

Hmwk: study notes



  1. TBT Review
  2. Begin GMAS Review

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. continue GMAS Review

Hmwk:  have a great weekend




Week 28

March 4-8

SPS5- obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.



  1. Do now
  2. Begin labs

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Continue labs

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Achieve 3000

Hmwk: study notes



  1. TBT Review
  2. Gravity notes

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. Electromagnets

Hmwk:  have a great weekend


Week 27

Feb. 25-1

SPS5- obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.



  1. do now
  2. begin notes on electricity and magnetism

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. continue notes from yesterday

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. do now
  2. finish up notes from Monday

Hmwk: study notes



  1. TBT Review
  2. Electricity work or QBA

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. Begin magnetism and electricity labs

Hmwk:  have a great weekend




Week 26

Feb. 19-22

SPS5- obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.



No School-President’s Day



  1. Do now
  2. Go over test from Friday
  3. Begin on word wall

Hmwk:  no homework



Achieve 3000



  1. Do now
  2. Bill Nye magnetism and electricity

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. Begin notes of electricity and magnetism.

Hmwk:  have a great weekend






Week 25

Feb. 11-15

SPS4- develop and use a model to compare and contrast how light and sound waves are reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted or transmitted through various materials. 



  1. Do now
  2. go over review task cards
  3. light picture puzzle

Hmwk:  study notes test Friday of Wave Unit



  1. Do now
  2. Review practice for exam

Hmwk:  study notes, test Friday



  1. do now
  2. review practice for exam

Hmwk: study notes, test Friday



  1. Do now
  2. quizlet live review

Hmwk: study test tomorrow


  1. Do now
  2. Exam on Waves
  3. word wall card

Hmwk:  have a great weekend




Week 24

Feb. 4-8

SPS4- develop and use a model to compare and contrast how light and sound waves are reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted or transmitted through various materials. 



  1. Do now
  2. Notes on different lens
  3. Bill Nye Sound video

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Video on Light Optics with notes
  3. Puzzle

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Achieve 3000

Hmwk: study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Review Task Card Hall Walk

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. Review Task Card Hall Walk

Hmwk:  study your notes/Unit test Feb. 15th




Week 23

Jan. 28- Feb. 1

SPS4- develop and use a model to compare and contrast how light and sound waves are reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted or transmitted through various materials. 



  1. Do now
  2. Notes on light and sound

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Notes on Light and Sound

Hmwk:  study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Notes on light and sound

Hmwk: study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Bill Nye Light and color
  3. Discussion questions
  4. Light activity

Hmwk: study



  1. Do now
  2. Bill Nye Sound
  3. Discussion questions
  4. sound activity

Hmwk:  study your notes




Week 22

Jan. 21-25

SPS4- develop and use a model to compare and contrast how light and sound waves are reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted or transmitted through various materials. 



No school


  1. Do now
  2. Go over test
  3. Tell me what you know about your eyes and ears??

Hmwk:  study for test on Friday


  1. Achieve 3000


  1. Do now
  2. Introduction pages to eyes and ears

Hmwk: study


  1. Do now
  2. Notes on Light and Sound

Hmwk:  enjoy your weekend




Week 21

Jan. 14-20

GPS: SPS4-Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.


  1. Do now
  2. Wave book

Hmwk:  study for test on Friday


  1. Do now
  2. Wave book

Hmwk:  study for test on Friday


  1. Do now
  2. Quizlet live

Hmwk:  study for test Friday


  1. Do now
  2. TBT review
  3. Wave book

Hmwk: study for test Friday


  1. Do now
  2. Wave test
  3. Vocabulary Card

Hmwk:  enjoy your weekend




Week 20

Jan. 9-11

GPS: SPS4-Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.




HW: study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Review waves

HW: study notes



  1. Do Now
  2. QBA 2

Week 19

Dec. 17-21

GPS: SPS4-Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.


  1. Do now
  2. Finish up wave notes
  3. Clozed Purposeful Reading

HW: study


  1. Do Now
  2. Work on Poster
  3. Clozed Purposeful Reading

HW: study


  1. Do Now
  2. Finish up poster
  3. Clozed Purposeful Reading

HW: study notes


  1. Do now
  2. Clozed Purposeful Reading

HW: study notes/ test Friday


  1. Do Now
  2. Clozed Purposeful Reading

HW: enjoy your weekend





Week 18

Dec. 10-14

GPS: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.


  1. Do now
  2. Bill Nye Video
  3. Flow Chart

HW: study


  1. Do Now
  2. Wave Notes

HW: study


  1. Do Now
  2. Achieve 300

HW: study notes


  1. Do now
  2. Wave Notes

HW: study notes


  1. Do Now
  2. Finish notes
  3. create smartboard foldable
  4. wave worksheet

HW: enjoy your weekend




Week 17

Dec. 3-7

GPS: S8P3 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about cause and effect relationships between force, mass, and motion of objects. 


  1. Do now
  2. Cut and paste graphs with scenarios

HW: study/ test Friday


  1. Do Now
  2. Form arguments to support force is port. to mass

HW: study/test Friday


  1. Do Now
  2. Review for test

HW: study notes/ test Friday


  1. Do now
  2. Review for test

HW: study notes/ test Friday


  1. Do Now
  2. test over motion and force

HW: enjoy your weekend






Week 16

Nov. 26-30

GPS: S8P3 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about cause and effect relationships between force, mass, and motion of objects. 



  1. Do now
  2. Newton’s Laws of Motion notes


HW: study



  1. Do Now
  2. Newton’s Laws of Motion Notes
  3. Hall walk of motion

HW: study



  1. Achieve 3000

HW: study notes



  1. Do now
  2. Murder Mystery

HW: study notes



  1. Do Now
  2. Murder Mystery

HW: study notes for test next week.


Welcome to Aaron Cohn Middle School and eighth grade science! I’m really excited to have your child in my class.  Throughout the year many science concepts will be explored in varying depths.  The eighth grade curriculum is based on physical science to include scientific inquiry, matter, energy, force, motion, sound, electromagnetism, electricity, magnetism, and gravity.



Many opportunities will be provided to do lab activities.  Safety procedures are of the utmost importance in a lab situation.  These procedures must be identified and practiced while manipulating science materials and equipment. 



Students must have a safety contract that has been signed by the student and a parent in order to participate in lab activities. Any student that does not follow 100% of the safety rules will be removed from the current lab and receive a zero on the lab assignment and/or an alternative assignment.



MATERIALS: The student should have the following materials for class at all times: science notebook 1 inch 3 ring binder, notebook paper, pencils, small pencil sharpener, glue sticks or tape, markers (color pencils, or crayons), composition book for Do Now, page protectors.



TEXTBOOKS & WORKBOOKS:  Science Explorer by Prentice Hall is the textbook at hand, however, other texts will be used as supplemental materials, and will be used as class sets only.  Worksheets and handouts should be treated as text material and will be used as such. 


PROJECTS: Students will be expected to complete several projects throughout the school year to enhance the learning experience. These projects are not designed to be expensive.  If students get started on the project in a timely manner they will usually be able to complete the project mostly with items around the home, or at minimal cost.


GRADE POLICY:  Students are responsible for their own grades. Students are graded based on the quality of their work, class participation, and assessments.   Extra credit work is generally NOT assigned.  It is my philosophy that you need to spend your time doing the required work instead of “extra work”.  However, there are numerous opportunities to receive extra points by bringing in needed classroom supplies and by participating in group competitions.


MISSED WORK: Students are responsible for making up any work missed when they are absent. Students should log-into canvas calendar to find their missing assignments.  If absent 3 or more days, call the guidance office for all missed work, textbooks, handouts, etc.



CLASSWORK & HOMEWORK: The majority of homework given in science will be to complete classwork, study for quizzes and tests, and work on projects. Classwork is often assigned to be completed for homework if not completed in the class period.  Classwork is usually not collected until the following day to ensure that everyone has time to finish the assignment.  If you are not certain whether or not your child has completed their work in class, they should be able to show you the assignment. As a result, you will know what we are learning in class, as well, as whether or not your child needs to complete the assignment for homework.

*If classwork, projects, or homework is turned in even 1 day late (without an excused absence from class) the student will receive a maximum of 75%.  Each additional day will be 10 points off and I will not take it after the third day.



NOTEBOOK:  All work will be kept in a notebook (1 inch, 3 ring binder).  This will enable the student to have all the material needed in order to be prepared for class daily and for tests.  Parents will also have the opportunity to see the student’s work.  The student is responsible for having all notebook papers organized and labeled.



TESTS/PROJECTS/QUIZZES: TESTS will normally occur after each unit of study.  However, test dates and project due dates will be announced in class ahead of time. 


CONTACT INFORMATION: Parents may contact me by phone [(706) 569-3801], student agenda, or e-mail [], to discuss a student’s progress.  I often contact parents by phone, but my primary communication with parents in regards to grades and behavior is through email.

Classroom Rituals and Routines:


Beginning Class

  1. Come to class on time. Being late for class is unacceptable without a written excuse with the time, reason, and signature of school personnel.
  2. Enter class quietly and take your assigned seat.
  3. Take out materials needed or class (pencil, notebook, textbook, assignment, agenda, etc.).
  4. Answer the “Do Now” questions, in complete sentences. (You only have a few minutes to complete!)
  5. Read and listen to the day’s AGENDA.



  • Make sure your paper is headed correctly.
  • When turning in work either hand your work to Ms. Diehl or place it in the designated box. Do not just place work on my desk.
  • Unless absent, all work is expected when work is due.
  • If you MUST be absent, you are responsible for checking assignments that you missed.


Out-of-Seat Policy

  • Raise your hand and get permission to leave your seat for anything.
  • Only one person at the pencil sharpener, trash can, assignment area at a time.


Classroom Activities

  • When working individually, work quietly and do not disturb others.
  • During group work use a 6-inch voice. If I can hear you, you are too loud.
  • Absolutely, positively DO NOT TALK while another person is talking.


Leaving the Classroom

  • Bathroom breaks, water, locker trips, etc. must be done during changes of class. If you have special situations, please bring a note from home.  When we leave the classroom together, line up single file, on the designated side of the hall, behind the designated leader, and move silently through the hall, DO NOT TALK and KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF.
  • No one leaves class without permission.
  • Class is dismissed by the teacher, not by the bell.



Disruptive behavior consequences

  1. Teacher counseling/silent lunch
  2. Parent contact
  3. Teacher timeout
  4. Parent conference
  5. Office referral


Thanks in advance for a great school year!!!!


April Diehl



My child, ___________________________ and I have read and understand the requirements for eighth grade science.


______________________                       _______________________                    Student’s signature                                              Parent’s signature                                                Date


Parents email address:________________________________________________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due