Course Syllabus
In 8th grade students continue to learn about geometry, algebra, and data concepts. Specifically students will understand transformations, angle relationships, exponent properties, scientific notation, the real number system, solving multi-step equations, Pythagorean theorem, volume (of cylinders, cones, and spheres), functions, linear relationships on the coordinate plane (y = mx +b), qualitative graphs, scatter plots, two-way tables, and systems of equations.
Click HERE for a link to descriptions for each 8th grade math unit.
Class Materials
Wish List
Contact Information
- 706 – 565 – 2998 (school)
- Canvas (learning platform)
- Infinite Campus (grades portal)
Expectations for Virtual / Online Learning
- Participate in class at the designated time.
- Check announcements every day.
- Read directions! The directions for completing assignments are written in the course!
- Read teacher feedback for assignments. There may be times where you are asked to re-submit an assignment.
- Do your own work! Plagiarism is not acceptable and could make you fail the course.
- Use a calendar to schedule reminders for assignments and due dates.
- Communicate with your teacher routinely.
- Stay organized. Save all the files for the course in one folder.
- Don’t get behind. You will eventually become frustrated and overwhelmed.
- Breathe! We are all in this together. I'm here for any questions you have.
Grading Policy
35% - Formative—practice, classwork, homework, mini quizzes, problem checks, problem of the week (POW), etc. 65% - Summative— (any assignment where students are to demonstrate mastery) - unit tests, 9 weeks tests, quizzes, projects, tasks, problem of the weeks (POW), etc. |
Notes / Classwork / Homework
- Not accepted late unless absent
- Given daily
- Depending on the assignment, it is graded on reasonable accuracy, completion, and following directions
- Weekly grade placed in the 35% category
What does my grade mean?
I want all my students to feel safe in making mistakes. When you don't get the answer correct the first time, it's ok. That means you just learned new information that will help you get it right eventually. In my class, I provide many opportunities for students to show that they have mastered a concept. So don't fret if you don't make the graded you wanted - you will have other chances to show you understand. |
Turning in Work
Due to the the circumstances we are facing with COVID 19, I will utilize a paperless system. All assignments will be turned in or completed online. If you would rather print notes / practice and complete them with by hand, that is perfectly fine with me. I just ask that you take a picture of your work and submit your work according to the directions provided for the assignment.
Missing Assignments
**Please note: any missing assignment (for any reason) is flagged “missing” in Infinite Campus until it is received and graded. When an assignment is flagged “missing,” a grade of zero is automatically assigned. The "missing" serves as a REMINDER to the teacher and the student that the assignment still needs to be turned it. If a student was absent, there will be no penalty when the grade of zero is replaced with the earned grade. |
Class Expectations
- Follow directions quickly.
- Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
- Raise your hand for permission to speak.
- Make smart choices.
- Keep your dear teacher happy.
- Be mindful of other’s feelings at all times.
- Always work hard no matter the challenge.
BRMS Step Sheet
- Warning/Teacher Counseled
- Parent Contact
- Parent conference
- Parent contact by administration
- Office referral (Saturday School)
6—10: Office Referral (ISS)
11—15: Office Referral (OSS)
**Other consequences will be given at any step to include reflection sheet, time out, silent lunch, seat moved, counseled, etc.
Other Links
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |