Course Syllabus

Welcome to Modern World Studies Part 2 with Ms. Whiteley!

You can contact Ms. Whiteley by e-mail at . 

This is going to be a great class where you learn a lot about the world, how it works, and how it affects you! Please click on the video link below to watch a video introduction to me and this class.  After you watch the video, please look over the virtual class expectations chart, helpful links for parents, and the syllabus for this class.  PLEASE let me know if you have ANY questions.  I know a lot of this is new for all of us and I am here to help!

Parents and Students: Please watch the "Intro to Class" video and read over the syllabus below.  I have also included some helpful links for parents to get set up on Canvas. 

Students: We meet Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday at 1:30 pm. Please click on the "This Week" button to enter class and see your Zoom link.  Can't wait to see you!

This Week ButtonArchived Schedules Button.png


Zoom Expectations.png

Helpful Links for Parents: 

Explains tech resources and programs your student will be using, as well as their Chromebook:

Instructions to sign up as a parent observer: (Links to an external site.)


Ms. Whiteley’s Syllabus

6th and 7th Grade: Modern World Studies Part 1 & 2


Welcome to 6th or 7th Grade Modern World Studies! 


This year will be great!  We will focus on how humans interact with the environment, various cultures and religions world-wide, the variety of governments in the world, significant events world-wide that still affect how humans live today, and modern world issues, both geographical and cultural.  Though our focus will be the rest of the world, we will always be looking at the relevance of world events and issues to our lives here in the United States.


In this class students will also learn to:

-Read for understanding                      -Focus on solutions to real-world problems

-Write to communicate effectively       -Use logic and evidence to support their opinion

-Analyze the presentation of information to determine its reliability

-Find reliable sources of information to answer any question we may have

-Interact appropriately and effectively with others, even those whose culture or opinion may differ from our own


I am here for you! In this class I will use a variety of instructional strategies designed to help students master the standards. My goal is for students to retain this content and these skills long after they leave 7th grade. If parents or students have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


PBIS (Positive Behavior Incentive System) RIP Expectations:

Respect-Do not talk without permission. Keep your area neat and clean. Use calm voices

Integrity-Stay in your assigned seat. Accept consequences. Be honest. Keep track of your grades.

Perseverance-Turn in complete work on time. Stay focused and on task.


Classroom Procedures

  1. Enter class (whether virtually or in person) everyday possible with a positive attitude, ready to share your intelligence.
  2. Be on time, task, and prepared. Come to class on time, prepared with completed assignments, necessary materials, texts, handouts, or notes. Even if you are home, have a paper and pencil ready to go.
  3. Follow directions. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking and or leaving your seat or before speaking on Zoom. Conduct yourself as the SCHOLAR you are. Speak academically and think critically.
  4. Exhibit pride and a sense of ownership for your own success. Every assignment and every class contribution should be a reflection of the pride you take in your education.
  5. Follow all school rules: my classroom rules, and the rules in both the BRMS and the MCSD handbook. Respect yourself, classmates, teachers, school personnel, as well as the rights and property of others.
  6. Use your Canvas tools, such as your calendar, to keep up with assignments and deadlines. Learn to be independent and responsible for YOU!


Cell Phone Reminder:  Cell phones should be off and out of sight, per district policy.  If a cell phone becomes a distraction to you or anyone else in class it will be collected and turned into the front office.  This includes while you are on Zoom! Focus on class.


Grading: Summative Assessments will make up 65% of the student’s final grade. Formative Assessments will form the other 35%/*Late work that is not excused will receive a grade no higher than a 70%. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make up work from the teacher.

We will use the school's 9 weeks testing policy for this summative test.  The 9 weeks test will count as 3 regular tests.  Students are only excused from the 9 weeks test if they have a 93% or above grade in our class at the time of the test.  Students who have an 88% or above may be excused if they have perfect attendance for the 9 weeks.  Any students who have had office referrals are not excused.  


Absences/Excuses/Tardies-You have three days per day absent to turn in your work when you’re out with an excused absence. You must come to class with a note if you are late/tardy.


Extra Credit: I do not give extra credit assignments, however there will be multiple opportunities for students to earn bonus points toward tests or quizzes.  I will also be available before and after school, as well as on selected Saturdays for students who need help completing assignments or preparing for quizzes and tests.


Student Supplies

The following is a list of supplies the student will need for their 2019-2020 6th or 7th Grade Social Studies class.


*1 or 1 ½” Three-Ring Binder                                                Pen

*Pencil                                                                                                Colored Pencils

*Lined Paper (50 – 100 Sheets Max)                                     Highlighter(s)


Donating Supplies

If you would like to donate any supplies to the class, here is a list that will always be appreciated (Please remember that this list is NOT MANDATORY but always welcome):


Pencils                                    Copy Paper                 Loose Leaf Lined Notebook Paper

Paper Towels                          Kleenex

Hand Sanitizer                        Lysol Wipes



Thank you,

Ammie Whiteley

Course Summary:

Date Details Due