Course Syllabus

Growing with Canvas

Welcome to Growing with Canvas!  This course is a great way to learn how to use Canvas with your students.  As you progress through this course, you will complete several modules that you can access directly from the following links or the buttons below:

Introduction | Planting | Nurturing | Sprouting | Flowering | Harvesting

This course has been heavily modified from the original course designed by Instructure's Education Services team and is licensed as follows: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Go to the Introduction Module

Getting oriented to the Canvas self-paced tutorial!



Go to the Planting Module

Setting up your account and learning about communication.


Go to the Nurturing Module

Customizing and organizing your course in Canvas.


Go to the Sprouting Module

Learning how to create activities and assessments within your course.


Go to the Flowering Module

Evaluating student work with SpeedGraderTM and the grade book.


Go to the Harvesting Module

Discovering how to collaborate, share, and copy in Canvas.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due