Course Syllabus
Accounting 1 2016-2017 |
Teacher’s Name: Melanie Boatner Room #: 382 |
Email address: *Please Note: Teacher should respond to all email within a 24 hour period |
Course Description
Students will perform accounting activities for a sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation following generally accepted accounting procedures. The different accounting methods used by service businesses and merchandising businesses are examined. Students analyze business transactions and financial statements, perform payroll and cash control activities, examine the global perspective of accounting, and evaluate the effects of transactions on the economic health of the business. Competencies for the co-curricular student organization Future Business Leaders of America are incorporated throughout the instructional strategies of this course.
Textbook, workbook, and miscellaneous materials: Century 21 Accounting, First Year Course, Thomson Publishing, 2012, 10th Edition. Replacement Cost: Text (ISBN 0-538-97267-X) $50.00
Other Resources
Teacher-prepared sheets
Internet for special projects and article writing
Microsoft Office with emphasis on Excel
Accounting Software
Working Papers/Applia
Academic Expectations
In this course, the teacher will provide guided instruction to the class as a whole, as well as individualized assistance where needed. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and to complete all assignments as instructed.
Students must make up missed assignments within three days of an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to make up missed work within the week. Any work not made up will result in a zero for that grade. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero.
Internet Use
The Internet will occasionally be used in class to research and complete classroom activities/projects. The local Internet usage policies apply to the usage of the Internet in this lab. No students should use the Internet without prior permission from the teacher. If a student violates the policies set forth by the school or the teacher, the student will lose his/her Internet privileges and be subject to disciplinary measures.
Supplies needed
- 3-ring binder
- Notebook Paper
- Pencils ONLY for accounting problems. Pens (only black or blue ink) may be used for other work.
- calculator
Anticipated Classroom Format:
- Homework will be assigned and checked on a regular basis.
- In class assignments are due during the class period unless otherwise indicated.
- If the student is absent on the due date of an assignment, the assignment is due on the day of their return. If the student is absent on the day of a test/quiz, the student will be expected to take the test/quiz on the day of their return.
Grading & Homework Policy
- All work will be turned in on-time. In the event that an assignment is turned in late, there will be a 10 point deduction PER DAY for 5 days. After five days, the assignment can earn no more than a 50 for a grade.
Make-Up Work Policy:
- All work will be turned in on-time. In the event that an assignment is turned in late, there will be a 10 point deduction PER DAY for 5 days. After five days, the assignment can earn no more than a 50 for a grade. Late work will only be accepted for excused absences, or by completing a Yellow Slip/Missing Work Log
on the assignment due date. Yellow Slips are not a guarantee of acceptance of late work and are subject to approval by Mrs. Boatner.
- All on-time, good effort summative assignments can be submitted for additional credit if corrections are made to the work. A re-submission can result in a higher grade, but never full credit. This applies to test corrections as well. One Request to Retest
may be submitted per nine weeks. Re-submissions and Re-tests must be done after school on an appointment basis.
- All work will be turned in on-time. In the event that an assignment is turned in late, there will be a 10 point deduction PER DAY for 5 days. After five days, the assignment can earn no more than a 50 for a grade. Late work will only be accepted for excused absences, or by completing a Yellow Slip/Missing Work Log
50% Summative Assessment (Tests, Homework, Quizzes, etc)
50% Formative Assessment (In-class assessment of student understanding)
The Georgia Performance Standards in this course are aligned with courses at Columbus Technical College. Students who complete Business Essentials with an 80+ average may articulate at the College by passing an exemption exam within 12 months of graduation. See course instructor for more details.
Behavior Expectations/Work Ethics
- Attend class and arrive on time.
- Display loyalty, honesty, self discipline and responsibility.
- Take care of equipment by keeping work area and computer clean and free of marks, writing and dust.
- Cell phones, head phones, walkmans, IPODS, and electronic games are not allowed on campus. If found these items will be given to the school discipline officer.
- Demonstrate positive attitude and good work ethic.
- Do not engage in any harassment of any kind.
- Sit in your assigned seat. You must have permission from the teacher to leave your seat.
- The teacher dismisses the class not the bell. Remain in your seat until you are told to leave.
- Show respect for your classmates and teacher.
- Dress according to the dress code described in the student handbook.
- Computers and printers are to be used only for Accounting 1 class assignments only.
Regular daily attendance is of utmost importance to success in this course and is a life skill in the working world! If a student must be absent, remember that class continues. Accordingly, it is the student’s responsibility to find out the work that he or she has missed. Any work missed with an excused absence must be made up within three (3) school days. Work missed because of an unexcused absence or home suspension will result in a grade of zero (school policy).
Restroom Policy
Students will be given three (3) emergency restrooms passes for the each nine week period. DO NOT ASK FOR A PASS TO A STUDENT LOCKER!! You should come to class prepared each and every day. Failure to do so will affect the student’s work ethics grade.
Academic Honesty:
Students are expected to achieve and maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and excellence. Not only does academic honesty preserve the integrity of both the student and the school, but it is also essential in gaining a true education. Students pledge that they will not lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal in the pursuit of his or her studies and are encouraged to report those who do.
Georgia Performance Standards: click the link below to review the standards for Accounting 1
Principles of Accounting 1 Standards.pdf
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |