Teacher/Class Information
DESCRIPTION: The first year of accounting provides students a thorough background in the basic accounting procedures used to operate a business. The accounting procedures presented will also serve as a sound background for employment in office jobs and preparation for business and accounting courses in college.
- Understand the accounting cycle for a service business
- Understand the accounting cycle for a merchandising business
- Implement payroll and banking procedures
- Implement accounting for special procedures
- Understand business ethics
- Develop career exploration and employability skills
Interesting facts for students and parents to consider:
Did you know the most popular degree in college is Business? – According to the Princeton Review Links to an external site. and CampusGrotto.com Links to an external site., Business Administration and Management is the most popular selected major. Business programs include courses of study in accounting, economics and finance. Accounting 1 completes the Business Accounting pathway and prepares students for both college studies and entry level occupations in these fields.
Teacher Availability Outside of School Hours:
- By Appointment (speak with me and times can be arranged as needed)
- Email: Boatner.Melanie.R@muscogee.k12.ga.us
Make-Up Work Policy:
All work will be turned in on-time. In the event that an assignment is turned in late, there will be a 10 point deduction PER DAY for 5 days. After five days, the assignment can earn no more than a 50 for a grade. Late work will only be accepted for excused absences, or by completing a Yellow Slip/Missing Work Log
Download Yellow Slip/Missing Work Log
on the assignment due date. Yellow Slips are not a guarantee of acceptance of late work and are subject to approval by Mrs. Boatner.
- All on-time, good effort summative assignments can be submitted for additional credit if corrections are made to the work. A re-submission can result in a higher grade, but never full credit. This applies to test corrections as well. One Request to Retest
may be submitted per nine weeks. Re-submissions and Re-tests must be done after school on an appointment basis.