Course Syllabus

Please click the link below to open the syllabus for this class.

 Syllabus 3rd block.doc

Textbook link          username:  vetmemstudent  Password:  vet1234


Current Deadlines

Donations of little marshmallows and graham crackers are needed for a lab.  Smore Day will be the 15th.  Each student needs a chocolate bar for this day.


May 15th

Bring your chocolate bar to class for the smore lab.

May 11th

The End of Course test is today.  It will be during the period your child has me for science.


May 1st through 10th

We are studying and reviewing for our end of course test.


April 20th

Test over the wind notes.  There is not a study guide for this.  I am putting a link for the power point below.  There will be some short answers on this test.

 wind_movement (2).pptx

Below is a link to the notes sheet, globe and definitions.  Please study all of this to prepare for the test.

filled in notes sheet and globe.pdf

March 31st

Chapter 7 test over erosion.

This is copy of the study guide with the answers.


Link for quizlet to help you study.



March 15th

Chapter 9 test

Link for quizlet to help you study.

March 14th

Georgia Power guest speaker will be here to do an interactive lesson with the students.


March 10th

The chapter 9 study guide is due.


study guide.pdf

March 8th

The chapter 6 test is today.

March 6th

Below is a link for the chapter 6 study guide with answers and the review power point.


study guide with answers-1.pdf



March 2nd

The chapter 6 study guide is due today.  It was given out in class on February 28th.



February 28th

The chapter 8 test is today.

February 24th

Below is the link for today's virtual activity.


February 23rd

Below is a link to the study guide answers and the power point review game.





February 22nd

The chapter 8 study guide is due today.


 February 21st

Guidance surveys with Mrs. Wright in the media center


February 17th

The chapter 2 test rocks and minerals is today. 

February 15th

Link to lab.

February 14th

Below is a link to the power point review game for chapter two and the answers to the study guide.



rocks study guide answer.pdf

February 13th

Link for mineral lab.

The poster was worked on in class on February 9th and 10th.  I sent home to be finished over the weekend.  We will do section four in class on Tuesday.


Rock Poster Instructions

  1. Divide your poster into four sections.
  2. Label the first section Classifying Rocks.
  3. Label the second section Igneous Rocks.
  4. Label the third section Sedimentary Rocks.
  5. Label the fourth section Metamorphic Rocks.



Classifying Rocks (pgs. 54-56)

  1. Explain how scientists use mineral composition, color and texture to classify rocks.
  2. Be sure to explain grain size, shape and pattern when you talk about texture.


Igneous Rocks (pgs. 58-61)

  1. Explain how igneous rocks form.
  2. Explain the origin, texture and mineral composition of igneous rocks.
  3. Explain four uses of igneous rock.

Sedimentary Section

  1. Explain how sedimentary rocks form.  Be sure to include and explain erosion, deposition, compaction and cementation.
  2. Explain and give at least one example of each major group of sedimentary rocks. (Clastic rock, Organic Rock and

Chemical Rock)

3.  List at least three uses of sedimentary rock.


February 9th

The chapter 2 study guide is due today.  Below is a link for the study guide.


February 7th

The chapter 5 test is today.  The two Achieve 3000 articles that were assigned on February 1st are due today.  They are Hawaii's Fire Show and Volcano Rumbles.

February 2nd

This is the study guide with the answers for chapter 5.

study guide with answers.pdf

Power point Millionaire Game for chapter 5



February 1st

The chapter 5 study guide is due today.



January 31st

Chapter four test is today.  The achieve article is due today.

January 30th

Ch. 4 REVIEW GAME.PPT  link to pick new club


January 25th

The chapter 4 study guide is due today.


January 24th

The chapter three test is today.  The two Achieve articles assigned on the 19th are due today.  The chapter three study guide was handed out in class today.


January 19th/20th

Achieve 3000 will be a station during class.  The articles are Why is Denver a Mile High City and Earthquake in Japan.  These are due by January 24th.

January 18th

The chapter three study guide is due today.

January 17th

The chapter three study guide was given out in class today it is due tomorrow.



January 11th through January 17th

We will be working on a CISM covering tsunamis and plate tectonics.  All of this will be done in class and ILT.  


Friday, December 16th

Cumulative test over all items taught this year, required by the school district.  This covers chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.  We will be reviewing in class.  Please have your student look over the old study guides.

chapter 17 study guide answers.pdf

chapter 16 phase two study guide answers.pdf

chapter 16 phase one study guide answers.pdf

chapter 15 study guide answers.pdf

chapter 13 study guide answers.pdf

chapter 12 study guide answers.pdf

chapter 11 study guide answers.pdf

chapter 10 study guide answers.pdf

December 15th

The four achieve 3000 articles for this month are due.

 Wednesday, December 14th

Chapter test over chapter 14 is today.

Friday, December 9th

The chapter 14 study guide is due.  Below you will find a link for it.



Wednesday, December 7th

Chapter 13 test over weather.


Monday, December 5th

New acheive 3000 articles will be assigned.  These are due by December 15th.


The field trip was so much fun.  Thank you for allowing your student to go with me.



Thursday November 17th

The chapter 13 study guide is due.

Wednesday November 16th

Classwork from today:

Cloud Flyer

Part A

Draw, label, define and explain the type of weather associated with 1.  cirrus cloud   2.  cumulus cloud    3.  stratus cloud.

Part B

Pick one of the other clouds from page 437.  Make it with the cottonball.  Label it and explain the type of weather that is associated with it.


Tuesday November 15th

The study guide for chapter 13 was given out in class today.


Monday November 14th

Field trip permission slips went home today.  I need these back by Wednesday.  They will be going to the Coca Cola Space Science Center on November 29th.  This a link for a quizlet to help you study for the chapter 12 test.

 November 14th

Chapter 12 test


November 3rd

The chapter 12 study guide is due today.  It was given out in class on Tuesday.  Below is a link for the study guide.

study guide chapter 12.doc

November 2nd

Achieve 3000 was assigned today.  Two of the articles are due on November 16th.  The other two are due on November 29th.  Be sure that you complete a thought question for each article and completely answer the prompt.


November 1st

The chapter 11 test is today.

October 31st

The acheive 3000 assignments for the month are due today.  There were four articles assigned this month.  We spent one day in the computer lab working on them.  Please make sure to click on Scarbrough and then home to get the articles.  You need to be sure to answer the thought question for each one.

October 26th

The abstract is due today.  Below is the link for the online form.

October 25th

The chapter 11 study guide is due today.  Below is a link for it.


October 21st

Chapter 10 test


October 12th

The chapter 10 study guide is due today.  It was handed out in class on Monday.


October 7th

QBA 1 This covers everything that we have done this year.  This is a computerized test from the district.  It is multiple choice.

October 6th

rubric for literature review.pdf

Chapter 15 chapter test

****Final draft of literature review is due today.  This must be typed double spaced Times New Roman 12 point font.  It needs to be between 1 1/2  and two pages.  DO NOT EMAIL me this.  Students must bring a hard copy to class with their works cited attached.  This is in addition to the 1 1/2 to 2 page requirement.  This is a test grade.

October 3rd

Achieve 3000 articles



September 30th

Moon phases diagram quiz.

September 29th

Review of Literature rough draft is due.  This deadline was changed from the 28th until today.

September 28th

We will be working on the moon phases.  They will have a moon phases diagram quiz this Friday, September 30th.  They will have a word bank.

Below is a link with a copy of a study guide they will work on in class today.

study guide for moon phase diagram quiz with answers rotated.pdf

September 27th

*****Review of Literature rough draft deadline change.  It is now due on Thursday, September 29th due to us having guidance today.  We will be in the media center using computers during class on Tuesday. 

September 26th

Guidance guest speaker

September 19th

We are still working on the seasons, solstices and equinoxes.  Donations of oreo cookies for a lab would be greatly appreciated.  


September 14th Wednesday

The chapter 15 study guide is due on Friday, September 16th.  Below is a link for the handout that was given out in class today.


Monday  September 12th

 Below is a link for Quizlet I made for chapter 17.  Remember the test is Wednesday.



Week of September 6th through 9th

We worked on chapter 17.  The test will be on Wednesday, September 13th.

Below is a link to the instructions for how to research using Galileo and how to cite a source using APA.

Directions for how to get to Galileo to research for the science fair.docx

September 2nd

September 2nd

We worked on our Achieve 3000 assignments for September.

Students may log in using the internet.  Their log on is their GTID number and their password is initpass.  They need to be sure to click on Scarbrough once they log in to get access to the articles that I have assigned.

"The Moon puts on a show" must be completed by Wednesday, September 7th.  They were able to work on this for about 45 minutes in class today.  The other two articles must be completed prior to September 30th.

September 1st

Students received a science fair packet.

 Science Fair opening letter.doc

forms for science fair.pdf

 This link takes you to the state site.  You can also click forms and get a new copy of the forms from here.

 Topic, materials, procedures and forms are due on SEPTEMBER 8th.  

August 31st Wednesday

We worked on finding a science fair topic in the computer lab.

August 30th  Tuesday

The study guide over chapter 17 is due on Thursday.  Below is a link for it.


August 29th  Monday

Mrs. Wright was the guest speaker for the monthly guidance session.  The test is tomorrow over chapter 16 sections 5 and 6.


August 26th

The test over chapter 16 sections 5 and 6 will be on Tuesday, August 30th

There will be a thirty minute informational meeting in room 806 for academic bowl on Tuesday, August 30th.

August 25th

We went over comets.  The test is on Tuesday, August 30th.

August 24th

Below is the link for the study guide.  It is due tomorrow and was started in class today.



The chapter 16 sections 1, 3 and 4 test is on Wednesday, August 24th.


The study guide over chapter 16 sections 1, 3 and 4 is due on Friday August 18th. 

Below is a link for the handout given out in class on Wednesday.

STUDY GUIDE CH. 16 phase one geocentric.doc


Please send a bag of regular size m&ms to class with your student on Tuesday, August 16th.  We need them for a lab.


Quiz over Scientific Method and Safety Rules is on Wednesday, August 17th.

Below are the links for both power points if you need a copy.  The students received these notes in class.

Scientific Method.pptx 

safety rules.pptx          

Course Summary:

Date Details Due