Course Syllabus


¡Bienvenidos a Español 2! 

Señora Sinclair 2018-2019

Contact Info:

correo electrónico:

Remind 101 

Text your class period's code to 81010

2nd period: @spanshaw2 

3rd period: @spanshaw3

4th period: @spanshaw4

5th period: @spanshaw5

6th period: @spanshaw6

7th period: @spanshaw7

Class dojo: If you are a parent and want to enroll in class dojo to receive updates on classroom behavior and progress send me an email with an active mobile phone number. 

Below I will post all assignments for each unit we cover in Spanish 2

Syllabus Espanol 2

Expectations & Procedures

Unidad 1

Repaso de Español 1 

Repaso de Español 1.pptx


Spanish 2 sillas musicales.docx

Unidad 2

La Rutina Diaria


Cuerpo de productos personales.docx

PPT La rutina diaria.pptx

Las Pistas.pptx

Narration 1.pdf

Narration 2.pdf

narration 3.pdf

Narration 4.pdf

Los Quehaceres Unidad 2


6B Quehaceres Locos.docx

lectura.docx = in class reading activity/open note quiz

hallway activity.docx

Del viaje

Itinerario.docx - Rubric For Travel Project

Spanish 2 De viaje (1).docx

La niñez - Childhood 

vocabulario packet ninez.docx

La salud: 

PSA Article

Rubric for PSA.docx

La Salud packet.docx






Course Summary:

Date Details Due