Course Syllabus

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Welcome parents and students!! This year we will be learning all about living things and how they interact in the world around us. We will explore the topics of cells, the human body, evolution, natural selection, genetics, ecology, classification, and biomes. We will begin to think like scientists, asking questions, exploring phenomena, and conducting the steps of the scientific method. We will keep notebooks, have discussions, conduct experiments, and work both individually and in groups. I believe that science is one of the most interesting subjects out there (it’s taking place all around us, every day!!) and I hope by the end of the year you think so too! I’m beyond excited to welcome each of you to this classroom this year, and I can’t wait to see what we can discover! 

Parents, please feel free to contact me anytime at the email listed below. 


Life Science Syllabus

Miranda Wood



Life Science Classification Study Guide.pdf


Week 21: January 14-18

Monday: Go over study guide

Tuesday: QBA Review- Kahoot

Wednesday: QBA #2

Thursday: Genetics escape room

Friday: Genetics Unit Test


Week 20: January 9-11

Monday: No school

Tuesday: No school

Wednesday: Monohybrid Mice Genetics Practice

Thursday: Finish Mice Practice, Oompa Loompa Genetics

Friday: Genetics Study Guide

Course Summary:

Date Details Due