Course Syllabus

6th Grade – Healthcare Science

Mrs. Davis email:


Course Description:

This course will explore the healthcare careers of central supply, radiology, rehabilitative services, dentistry, and pharmacy. Throughout the course, students will have to demonstrate a healthcare skill associated with each healthcare career. They will also need learn the human anatomy associated with each healthcare career. Additionally, students will learn the safety practices and infection control that is maintained in a healthcare setting. They will also understand how the healthcare workplace is centered about teamwork and leadership as well as the importance of effective communication.

Course Expectations:

Students class are expected to develop writing skills, to keep up with assignments, and to begin to understand the process it will take to become a healthcare professional both in education and in workplace etiquette. Students are expected to come to class prepared and to complete assignments on time.



  • Composition notebook
  • Brown grocery bag
  • Pencil

Teacher Wish List: Parents if you have any of the following items laying around that you no longer need please consider donating them to our classroom to assist with instruction. Please do not feel the need to go out a buy these items. If you are like me sometimes these items are just acquired over time and end up hidden in a closet.

  • Gloves (Any size)
  • Alcohol Prep pads
  • Band Aids
  • Ace Wraps (unused)
  • Crutches
  • Walkers
  • Hand Sanitizer

Grading Plan:

You will be graded on classwork, homework, quizzes, proficiencies, projects, and group work.

  • Each student will create a portfolio for the class in their folder. They will need to maintain their portfolio throughout the class.
  • There will be no tests this semester. Only quizzes.
  • Please be sure to have access to the Parent Portal
  • Each student will participate in several individual/small group activities/presentations.



I have read and understand the rules for Healthcare Science class.


Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________ Date:__________________

Student Name:________________________________     Date:______________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due